
Advanced Knowledge

  • C & C++

    Testing libraries: CTest, googletest
    Compiler: GCC

  • Python

    Testing library: unittest
    Other Libraries: SciPy, NumPy

  • Java

    Testing library: Junit 5
    Build Automation: Maven

Intermediate Knowledge

  • Bash Scripting

  • Racket

  • Erlang

Advanced Knowledge of Web Development using

  • Javascript

  • Nodejs

  • HTML5 | CSS3 | Sass

  • PHP


    — This website is hosted on a
    Raspberry Pi 4 running NGINX

Other Technologies

  • Linux

    — Main OS & experienced with
    all aspects and most distros
    — Experience creating, and maintaing
    kernel configurations and drivers
    — Live in CLI

  • Docker

  • Git VCS

  • Promox

    Experience with
    KVM and QEMU

  • MongoDB

  • ROS

    Robot Operating System

  • Arduino & Microcontrollers

    Embeddeded systems programming
    on Microcontrollers like ESP32,
    teensy, arduino, etc.

Currently Learning

  • Rust

  • Linux Kernel Development